Newbie Miner’s First Haul!

Newbie CMDR, just returned from my first ever deep core mining trip, in a brand new Keelback :D

Managed to find three asteroids with cores, though admittedly I wasted a lot. First one was under-, and third one was over-, so their yield were meh; but luckily the second one landed in the optimal zone.

Managed to haul back 14 million in an hour and a half. Not quite as lucrative compared to a little trading loop nearby (~12 million an hour), but deep core mining is so much more fun! And I’m sure I’ll improve over time.

Idk why but I always end up doing mining in space-sim games. Maybe I was a dwarf in a previous life? :P

I’m still not even remotely good at identifying which rock has the cores though… All the guides I’ve see say it’s a pumpkin-shaped rock, yet they all look like pumpkins, especially when glowing yellow…

Anyway, just wanted to share my enjoyment. Thanks for reading.

Rock and Stone!
