im basically fried bro

for starters i am a lightskinned floridian 8th grade girl who has had problems with school for a long time, 5th-now to be precise. this event happened like less than 4 days ago and im at a new school. im on the verge of going up to my parents and begging them to withdrawal me out of this "school" out of embarrassment. sorry for any misspelled words or whatever, i am writing this at night becuase i need to tell someone.

well the school that i go to isn't really poor compared to others but you know.. i used to go to the best school in my area and it was a private very expensive christian school, did i mention that it was very homophobic and racist? well it was and the school that i go to now is a lot less but super worse. we literally learn in portables that have one bathroom and we stay with the same people every day, every class besides for chapel, lunch, PE, and our elective. i may sound spoiled and i may be but i'd do anything to go back to where i was.

so i was in english which is my 3rd period. we learn in portables and theres one bathroom inside thats also used as a storage room. outside the bathroom is a rarely working light that the teacher bought for our "privacy" or whatever (it doesn't even work). well that light gets turned off randomly. well anyways i was in the bathroom AND i know for a fact i locked that damn door, sitting down, on instagram when i heard someone knocking at the door. (keep in mind that the bathrooms are for both guys and girls) i said "someons in here." well the person probably didnt hear me and walked right in. it was a short "weird" guy who immediately walked out. i said "n-word i fucking said that someones in here" or something. well after that i got up and almost sliced my neck cause I DID NOT want to go out there. i did and i told my friend what happend, she has probably told her man which has told literally everyone, i think im paranoid, she laughed and i did the same but i didn't want to. when i got home i told my mom what happened and she said "we told you that you're old school was new, it was the best you could have! it was like a campus! but you insisted on wanting to go here." yeah well im fried and im still begging them to let me go back when this semester is over.

what should i do to forget all this? i cannot stop thinking about how embarrassing it is.

(update: parents said that if i have good grades they’ll let me switch 🤫)