Recently finished project

Recently finished this project as a gift for my sister. The design was from a free coloring page which I linked at the bottom here.

I used Sulky wash away Stick n Stitch to print the design & put it on the material, then hooped it all together. When I was finished with the project it easily rinsed out with cold water without issue.

I used all DMC thread, a combo of regular thread and etoile thread throughout the design.

For the back (not shown) I put a piece of black felt cut into a circle against the back fabric, then hand basted the white material all the way around and gathered it towards the center. Then covered all that one solid piece of red fabric by hot gluing it all the way around.

This is only my third ever embroidery project so there are definitely mistakes, but overall I’m very happy with the way it turned out & I think my sister will love it!