Never buy phones with Mali

I don't even need to be saying this But still... never buy phones with Mali!!!

I bought this phone last year after watching many youtube reviews, everyone told that this should be the go to phone for this budget for gamers ,the most powerful processer in this budget etc etc

I like to download many emulators and see how well old gen console games work on my phone ,tried some ps2 gc wii which gave average results

What hurt my soul the most is 😭 I really REALLY want to play monster hunter 4 ultimate so bad after playing mhfu and mhp3rd But ma boy only came in 15-20 fps with 40% speed I didn't think much ,I knew 3ds was a bit heavy handheld But what ignited my stomach on fire is seeing someone play MH4U in a phone of my same budget with snapdragon on fooking 2x resolution 👹

I really regret buying this phone now

Yeah it is what is 🚶 should stick to mhfu and mhp3rd


Perhaps i treated you too harshly

thanks to everyone who replied, my phone can actually run mh4u I'm just too dumb

I already had used some cheats still the game worked badly so I gave up ,then i realised that I used the cheats wrongly or smthng ,I updated the game with .cia file then used some cheats given by u/kahv6ck ,it did wonders!! now it runs with between 45-30 fps, there are some slowdowns when going to some areas but only the first time ,going again doesn't do anything

thanks to everyone🙏