How confident are you in the enneagram?

I have a few questions for anyone who pleases.

What's your type and your head fix, how long have you studied the enneagram, how much do you think you know about it, and how confident are you in your self assessment?

Would you say you've become more confident or less confident the more you've learned?

Do you see the enneagram as being more static or fluid? Do you see it as being clearly defined with set rules to follow, or do you see it as terribly abstract and hard to pull definitive conclusions from?

If you please, I'm curious what your MBTI is as well for this prompt since I wonder how much someone's preferences for cognitive functions impact this.

I personally find that the more I learn the less certain I become, and the more okay I am with the ambiguity of it all. It seems like the dunning Kruger effect to me, wherein the more you learn about something the more you are aware of the limitations in your own understanding, but I don't think this is the case for everyone and I don't think everyone thinks the same way I do about it. I have a strong preference for Fi-Ne, so I think it makes sense for me to default to "it's all subjective and variable, so it's okay to not have all the answers or to use it in any sort of objective manner."

I'm curious how others feel. I'm also curious how much differences in our perspectives may be impacting our ability to effectively communicate our ideas about the enneagram with one another.