Does dating in your mid 20s hold you back?
Mid 20s guy, have found a little success in a business and simultaneously trying to run 2 other ones as well.
I’m making decent money but what’s bugging me is the feeling that perhaps I’m missing out on things that others my age are engaging in.
Like for example, many people my age are getting engaged or married, some even having their first child and this has gotten me to think whether I’m living life the right way.
I don’t really have difficulty getting attention from girls, but I purposely have been cutting out any attention I get so as to not hold me back.
I feel that getting into a full commited relationship will hold me back as it is holding so many people that I know back.
Is it really worth it getting into a committed relationship now or should I maybe keep on working until in in my 30s and then look to settle down.
The only positive I see from dating at my age is not feeling lonely and just having someone to rely on emotionally but looks like the cons outweigh the pros here as if I get comfortable with a person, I’ll lose my hunger and not want to work as hard as I currently do.
What’s the advice here? Sorry if this is the wrong sub