18 year old trying to become a millionaire before my 30s

I am 18 years old, just graduated high school. I am currently working with my uncle who owns his own successful trucking business making $20 an hour. I work for 8 hours a day and get paid every two weeks. I have about $9,000 saved up as of right now. My uncle has been a big help so far just teaching me the ways of business and how he goes about things. He is a millionaire but the thing is it took him over 20 years to get where he is at. I know i have to be patient and i know things just don't happen over night. Any tips, habits, and things to research/do to get to where i want to be. I am really ambitious and is open to any hustle or side hustle anyone wants to put me on to. I appreciate anyone who would take their time out of their day to read this and maybe even comment something.