Prayer Request: I am close to completely giving up on life
Hi everyone. Sorry for the long post.
I have been Episcopalian for the past 10 years but I have deeply struggled with my faith in the past two. I was laid off from my last job due to financial difficulties at the company which caused me to become depressed and it took me a long time to finally land a new role. Well yesterday, after only 3 months in the new role, I was fired due to my boss saying I did not seem "engaged" and "enthusiastic" about the job. This was even after I told my boss I was dealing with depression but was working on it and getting treatment & this was likely what he was seeing instead of me not being enthusiastic about the job in a prior convo about this.
So now I am depressed, embarrassed, feeling like a failure, with no job and struggling to see any way forward other than to end things. I pray to God every day to help me find some reason and motivation to live and to help me in my despair but it seems my life only gets worse. Intercessory prayer feelings increasingly pointless as my prayers seem to never be answered.
Is there any reason I should still trust God to help me through this and not just give up? Is there any reason to believe in a God that cannot be sensed nor answers prayers or aids in any discernible manner? I know God is not a genie but I truly am so hopeless. Prayers would be appreciated.