fetishizing east africans shouldn't be an issue

Hello just want to put my thoughts out there.

People, habesha women and men, but mostly men, complain about others fetishizing us (typically the women). Why are we against this when other ethnicities have secured financial success and other forms of prominence through these societal preferences?

Habesha woman being selected for a music video? Success.

Habesha woman being selected for modelling contracts? Success.

Habesha woman being selected as the wife of a successful man? Success again.

Habesha women finding financial success shouldn't be looked down upon. It's good to advise younger women not to be irresponsible or naive, but apart from that, we should be happy for each other.

I have a feeling its unsuccessful men and women that try to drag these women down to their level thinking, if they dont have such ease, then these habesha women shouldn't either. There is nothing invulnerable about being perceived as an immigrant in the west. Its better to be a beautiful habesha woman and accept the best opportunities in life than worrying about miserable people that cannot take care of themselves, financially or energetically.