[Discussion] info for TRIPWIRES after a bit of testing in PVE
Tripwires are available after 2 jeager tasks( find mines in woods usec camp and claymore in ground zero trap/ go to two locations in factory and customs)
- cost 40k/ tripwire from jeager lvl 1
- you can carry up to four(4) at the same time in your person , they are special item so they can get to the slots of special equipment and always have them even if you die
- to equip it , equip a grenade , press b (~2.5 sec animation) aim tat the floor and there is a hologram to show where the wire will be (max wire length about 1.5-2m)
- when you trigger them there is a distinct sound
- you can disarm them , it takes 10 sec (5 sec if you have multitool) the grenade is lootable after the tripwire is not ,i believe anybody can disarm it not only the one who placed it
- you can add impacts , but THEY DONT WORK AS IMPACTS ANYMORE , they are on a fuze like any grenade they feel like an f-1 fuse like 4-5 sec enough to be far away when they blow up
- you can shoot the wire and cause the grenade to detonate (delay of the fuze still exists in this case )
- THEY DONT LAST THE WHOLE RAID , it got destroyed after ~10 minutes with the grenade not exploding and being able to loot it, tripwire was destroyed though
still dont know when you are supposed to get the quest , i was already max traders in pve when the wipe happened but overall i feel like they are ok maybe vog 25 are a little too much with them but i dont know fo sure