Ethiopian Agnostics and Atheists, how do you balance or handle being Ethiopian and not following a religion in a highly religious country with very religious and conservative people who believe in their religion deeply.
Most of y’all seem to be online since I never met an openly agnostic or atheist person who is Ethiopian or Horner in general. Most are Christian or Muslim and there are some Jews too. It seems more common outside of the country than inside of it. Ethiopia is basically 98 percent religious. In every aspect it can be considered one of the most if not the most religious countries in the whole world. It is the second Christian country in the world and it provided safe haven for Muslims. One of the things most known about Ethiopia is religion related and literally most of its landmarks are religious and culturally the religion plays a major role in the culture like actually and all non Ethiopian people I know have heard about Ethiopia as an extremely religious country like literally when I think about it it is on a whole different level. Especially the Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia they have the strictest religious beliefs and strongest faith. I told some people about EOTC and they were shocked at that like how they do not eat pork and how much they fast and pray and stuff.
I have never ever met an agnostic atheist in real life all y’all are online and most are pretty moderate or not like Western agnostic and atheists are who make fun of religion every chance they get. Like the Ethiopian or Habesha ones are very chill to the point where I do not find out their religious beliefs and views until a significant time after meeting them, they do not have too much hate towards religion and most were formerly religious.