What are non-Oromos thoughts on the proposed plan to incorporate Addis, Wollo and Moyale to be part of Oromia?
Anyone with eyes can see what's happening. The mass killings and displacements of Gurage, Amharas, Somalis...etc are not merely mutual fighting or skirmishes in towns/cities bordering Oromo communities. They're deliberate, state sanctioned displacements and take overs. The ever expanding Oromo region is only possible because of the regional and federal governments support the continued expansion. We don't need to hear leaked audio from the Oromo elites private closed door meetings to know what is happening. We've already heard the audio and people remained quiet. We can see it with our own eyes. So what are your thoughts as non Oromos on this uncomfortable subject and what should those that oppose it within Ethiopia and the diaspora do?