This Subreddit is Shameful
Of the handful of times I've scrolled through this subreddit looking for genuine advice on certain things, I've seen post after post of people lashing out on sellers asking question only to be met with a bombardment of very rude and unnecessary comments.
Of the 3 times I've posted on here I've had to remove them all. Even a post about what do about shipment I was sending out a few days late. It boggles my mind that someone can get upset and argue with a question like that. I recieved passive aggressive comments that had nothing to do with the post. Telling me I was overreacting to sending out a product late for the first time. Then was attacked further for calling out the unnecessary rudeness.
I had to reach out to a fanartist that was attacked for selling fanart. This seems to be such an echo chamber that I see posts like this, and similar, basically get downvoted and met with unhelpful comments to the point that the original seller has to remove them. My experience has been the same. No it is not helpful to tell someone that they are being immoral or to delete their account with no effort to explain why. Especially when it is something they clearly put effort into.
I get that it's reddit, and that everyone feels the need to create an "AITA" scenario, and talk down to people. But if your are trying to be helpful, have some self control. You aren't superior for having a different opinion. You aren't superior for having a different experience. And frankly it's embarrassing that so many people feel the need to talk down to sellers that have a harder time with certain things than them.