Is he okay?

I know there was just the post about how they miss a happy Evan. And I really relate to that. Because I feel like he’s not doing okay, or not being himself? I remember when the coachella video came out last year. It was weird to me. Not because of a new potential girlfriend but because the way he acted. Grabbing her, making out very vulgar in public. I just never saw him like that before. And I really don’t like Emma after all what happened, it really wasn’t a healthy relationship. So I’m glad he’s out, but after that we saw him with Frances and Natalie and whoever. But it all lasted so short with them (or still lasts). But doesn’t come across as genuinely in love at all. He just seems so serious all the time. Him and Emma had their final breakup in 2019/2020? Like he must be over her by now. He’s 38 now and you still see him with women in their 20s. Like, nothing wrong with that, all adults. But I think I’m honestly worrying that he’ll just keep on dating on and off. When actually I picture him as such a genuine, loving guy. He was engaged already, in a long term relationship and I feel like since coachella it just all seems so off. As if he’s just dating people where he knows there’s no genuine love, but does it nonetheless. In Paris he looked so fed up too with Natalie. I’m not really fond of her, but Evan puts me off too. Like, shouldn’t you treat your partner more happily? He’s not forced to be with her. I guess I don’t want to view him as a player or so. I just kinda miss his sweet, chivalrous, funny personality.