Is it ever too late?
I got broken up with in October. my ex and I were going to different universities and things just weren’t working out between us. We didn’t fall out of love with each other, no cheating. Mainly the stress of her moving away and trying to balance a relationship on top of it.
I made the mistake of begging, begging and begging some more. I didn’t leave her alone for a week or two, which she suggested no contact. We agreed to do that but I was so afraid of losing her, I couldn’t stop breaking it.
I’ve been doing well so far and I have no intentions of reaching back out again. Is it too late for her to reach back out? I’m so afraid I have put her off ever coming back with how I acted.
She was receptive on some of the occasions I reached out. In december we even managed to call each other and talk about how we’d been. She even told me she’d enjoyed talking to me a lot.
I’m only blocked on instagram. Everything else i’m either unadded or not blocked.
She told me I would always be her first love, and we’ve had many of our first experiences with each other, if you get my drift.
What do you guys think?