My boyfriend joined a Pentecostal church, what do I do?

My boyfriend grew up in a standard Christian family, that wasn’t hardcore religious but went to church every once in awhile. His dad is more hardcore Christian while his mom a sister ate more open and accepting. Recently he wanted to start going more so he started going with one of his friends who grew up in a church. He soon realized it was actually a penacostle church but continued going anyways. He started telling me things that I found a little odd like how they had rules like women can’t cut their hair and have to wear full coverage clothing like long dresses and sleeves, how he felt the Holy Spirit in him and hhow he almost spoke in tongues. I was curious and wanted to go one but he kept saying he thought I would judge him but I think it was actually because I have very short hair and he felt they would judge me since I didn’t fit in their rules. I went with him yesterday finally and the people were perfectly nice but it was kind of a lot, there were people crying and speaking in tongues and yelling, the pastor only talked about himself during the speech rather than the actual bible (he used his personal experiences and related time back to the Bible but it seems like a manipulation tactic) (it’s ironic because the preach was actually about speaking in tongues yesterday) I am not against him being in church but the speaking in tongues and all the extra rules kind of throw me off. What do I do? Every time I try to talk to him about it or say any concerns he acts like I’m insulting him. I don’t think he’s stupid I just know he has the tendency to be easily manipulated. He isn’t the most strong willed individual and often follows the crowd.

Edit: I’ve also spent a long time trying to work with him on his views on things, I’m more liberal leaning and his family is very right, and I’ve only recently got him to come to terms with the LGBTQ+ community not being a sin and other similar topics. I fear that him being in this church is going to restart all my progress I’ve made with him the past three years by reteaching him the things I’ve tried to stray away from