The end.

8 months. 8 months of fighting for my supply. Fighting against drs who tried to put me on medication that would have killed my supply. Many nights spent alone at the pump while my little one was in the NICU. Many many days spent pumping next to my baby’s incubator so she would have milk through the night and next day until i could come back. Well over 2,000 oz pumped over 300+ hours to feed my 3lb 5oz 31weeker baby.

My supply has now dropped so much I had to choose between completely relactating (honestly battling with myself on doing it lol) or stopping entirely. I never thought i’d cry my eyes out putting away all of my pumping supplies, but man what an emotionally difficult, rewarding, and taxing journey pumping has been.

For all of those starting on their EP journey, it’s so hard and tiring and emotional, but it does get easier and these lovely ladies in this group will stand by your side for any question, care, comment, or concern you may have❤️

To the mamas who are still pumping, yall are killing it🫶🏼

And finally, to all of the ladies in here I have interacted with and whose posts I read at 3 am sitting all alone in my pumping chair, I am so grateful for every story and funny moment that helped me pass the time at the pump❤️ yall helped me survive our baby’s NICU stay- all i can say is thank you and that will never be enough!🫶🏼

8 months. 8 months of fighting for my supply. Fighting against drs who tried to put me on medication that would have killed my supply. Many nights spent alone at the pump while my little one was in the NICU. Many many days spent pumping next to my baby’s incubator so she would have milk through the night and next day until i could come back. Well over 2,000 oz pumped over 300+ hours to feed my 3lb 5oz 31weeker baby.

My supply has now dropped so much I had to choose between completely relactating (honestly battling with myself on doing it lol) or stopping entirely. I never thought i’d cry my eyes out putting away all of my pumping supplies, but man what an emotionally difficult, rewarding, and taxing journey pumping has been.

For all of those starting on their EP journey, it’s so hard and tiring and emotional, but it does get easier and these lovely ladies in this group will stand by your side for any question, care, comment, or concern you may have❤️

To the mamas who are still pumping, yall are killing it🫶🏼

And finally, to all of the ladies in here I have interacted with and whose posts I read at 3 am sitting all alone in my pumping chair, I am so grateful for every story and funny moment that helped me pass the time at the pump❤️ yall helped me survive our baby’s NICU stay- all i can say is thank you and that will never be enough!🫶🏼