Overstepped Another EA, Advice on How to Move Past It
Need a bit of advice. I support a VP and today he asked me to book an urgent financial call with a director who is his direct report. The director's EA was working today but she was showing as busy. I did message her but after 30 mins without response, I took action which meant shifting an appointment in the director's calendar to accomodate the call. I let her know this had been done as it was time sensitive. Everything seemed ok... Fast forward to the end of the day. I get a message from the EA saying there's a problem with the meeting I rescheduled but when I looked at the calendar everything looked fine. The message she sent was very short and basically - don't mess with my director's calendar, go through me.
I felt really bad and can completely understand where she's coming from - I'd be pretty upset if the same thing happened to me. I did apologise and added that if there was any blowback I would take whatever fallout there is but not sure if I should do something more to show how badly I feel about it. I don't want to burn any bridges since I have to work pretty closely with this person plus I really like her.
Foninleave well enough alone or is there something more I could/should do?