"With every head bowed and every eye closed..."

I don't know why this came to mind but it did.

This may have just been a Southern thing, for background I was a youth group kid and went to an SBC middle school, former worship leader who now writes anti worship songs, see profile for that.

ANYWAY it went like this- the pastor/youth pastor/moti-pray-tional speaker would get to the crux of their emotionally driven talk and lead the group in prayer, and then it would be decision making time. In the background, a keyboard plays softly. Then the spiel:

"So right now, with every head bowed, and every eye closed, if you're ready to make a decision today to follow Christ, if the Holy Spirit is moving in your heart, if you want to leave behind your sin and be washed clean by the blood of the lamb, I want you to look right up here at me...yes! I see you! Yes, there as well! Just open your eyes and look right up here...Yes, I see you sister, hallelujah, it'll just be between me, you, and the Lord...yes! I see you..."

And if you were like me in the audience you'd be thinking "all these people who are in church every week are getting saved right now? That seems statistically unlikely, but ok..." and fight the urge to look around at who all these brand new converts are.

It's like the caffeine free Diet Coke of altar calls- no dramatic walk up to the stage in front of your peers, instead just a little eye contact with the speaker. But with hindsight being what it is, there's no way that many people were actually responding, right? The guy was definitely seeding the clouds by throwing out a few "Yes! I see you"s to get the ball rolling in hopes of inspiring others to get onboard. Nobody wants to end their sermon with "No? Y'all are good? Cool, just checking!"

Another variant of altar calls I liked was when pastors would cast an increasingly wide net to get as many people up front as possible. First the newbies who've never prayed the sinner's prayer before (a prayer that, it must be mentioned, isn't in the Bible at all and is a modern Western evangelical invention), then you ask for people who've strayed from the path and want to recommit their lives to the Lord, then people who want to feel that spark again like when they first got saved, and on and on until you've described every possible degree of christian commitment and 95% of the congregation is kneeling and crying up front.