Dating as someone who’ll never be able to pass
As someone who’s been on T for 2 ½ years and barely passes for androgynous (and could pass as a woman with very little effort), I don’t see how it would be possible to be in a relationship again without just giving up and detransitioning or ever being able to have enjoyable sex whether I continue transitioning or not.
Online dating doesn’t really work because it’s so visual and I don’t look like someone who would attract who I’m attracted to. I don’t meet anyone in real life who’s attracted to me. I’m afraid of trying casual sex, because of past comments about my body or because I’ll be coerced/forced into PIV.
If only I could be happily single and abstinent the rest of my life, then there would be no issue. Unfortunately, this takes up a lot of my thoughts on a nearly daily basis.
I don’t think there’s any advice that can be given, but I’m unable to accept that this is how I look and how I’ll more or less always look.