Tbh, I'm f😍ing hyped.

I don't care what anyone says, I'm so hyped for the new Fable. I feel teased. I need more. 😫 The new trailer still brought the humor but showed the darker side of Fable. The graphics are amazing (Bowerstone and the fighting gameplay 🙌🏻), and the music is EPIC sounding. Playground Games has clearly put a lot of work into this.

Edit: I know a lot of people are wanting character creation options, the ability to choose a good/evil path, etc. I think a lot of things - though not everything - has been implied in the trailers through the narrators. This second trailer confirmed you can interact with NPCs and the actions you take will effect your reputation with them ("A fan club, but we hate you"), there are chances for romance, and the game most definitely allows you to choose a good/evil path. I'd love to hear more from the devs, but I know they probably won't start talking about it until 2025. I'm still so excited and can't wait to learn more.