[GAME THREAD] (2-1) Western Illinois @ (1-2) North Dakota

Western Illinois Western Illinois @ North Dakota North Dakota

Game Start Time: 12:00 PM ET

Location: Alerus Center, Grand Forks, ND

Watch: Missouri Valley Network

Team Coach(es) Offense Defense
Western Illinois Western Illinois /u/zachfischer2528 Air 4-3
North Dakota North Dakota /u/birdmanthethird Pro 4-3

Western Illinois Western Illinois

Total Passing Yards Total Rushing Yards Total Yards Interceptions Lost Fumbles Lost Field Goals Time of Possession Timeouts
277 yards 4 yards 281 yards 0 1 0/0 7:26 3

North Dakota North Dakota

Total Passing Yards Total Rushing Yards Total Yards Interceptions Lost Fumbles Lost Field Goals Time of Possession Timeouts
99 yards 72 yards 171 yards 1 0 1/2 9:32 3

Drive Summary
home for 19 yards in 63 seconds ending in punt
away for 94 yards in 30 seconds ending in touchdown
home for 5 yards in 46 seconds ending in punt
away for 65 yards in 85 seconds ending in touchdown
home for 12 yards in 79 seconds ending in turnover
away for 37 yards in 81 seconds ending in touchdown
home for 75 yards in 80 seconds ending in touchdown
home for -7 yards in 42 seconds ending in field_goal
away for 75 yards in 163 seconds ending in touchdown
home for 28 yards in 126 seconds ending in end_half
away for 8 yards in 33 seconds ending in turnover
home for 0 yards in 27 seconds ending in miss
away for 2 yards in 24 seconds ending in punt

Clock Quarter Down Ball Location Possession Playclock Deadline
4:02 3 1st & 10 46 Western Illinois North Dakota 12/16 11:55 AM EST 12/15 11:17 AM EST

Team Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
North Dakota 0 10 0 0 10
Western Illinois 21 7 0 0 28


Waiting on a response from /u/birdmanthethird to this comment.

Game complete, Abandoned wins!

Admin: Restart | Edit Western Illinois | Edit North Dakota | Rerun play | Pause | Chew | Abandon