Jedi The Survivors
I just realised that the survivor part of the title isnt specifically about cal, he is just one facet
The way I see it the game presents us with 4/5 path for a jedi survivor by the end of the game.
Cals path - to adapt to your new environment and depart from some tennets of the creed in order to survive. E.g. attachment to Merrin, using unorthodox fighting styles. Avoid the empire while you can.
Ceres / Cordova path- clinging to the old ways e.g. assembling the archive, help those follow the creed ie the hidden path. Could also infer that the fact that the hidden path fails on jedha and cere and Cordova is killed, means that this is not a viable method of survival
Dagens path - the vengeful path, go to war with those who wronged you, through his quest for tanalore to assemble a new order that would take the fight to the empire.
Bodes path - the selfish path, protect only those you can touch, the rest of the galaxy be damned, if it means hiding in the ISB, Ratting out other jedi or fleeing on tanalorre where others can't find you who cares what happens to anyone else
Maybe this was blatantly obvious to everyone else but thought it was pretty cool