USO Broken by Next Gen update + Some other stuff & Load Order
Context: Playing on Xbox Series X, Downloaded Next Gen Update)
Alright this is me bringing to everyone's attention that USO has been hit by the Next Gen Update + some other observations + my Load Order for reference
Unfortunately, I suspect 'USO Base Game (core component of Unlocked Settlement Objects)' by ANDREWCX has been hit bad by the new update, i've been playing my existing save game for a while now with surprisingly little problems at all for like 10+ hours (besides the Makeshift weapons being invisible but thats fully a Bethesda issue lmao not mod conflicts) but when I open USO's settlement menu and go to the decorations tab, the game inevitably freezes.(not crashing, just freezing forever.) it specifically happens when you hover or select the 'Themes' tab. You can stay in settlement mode and even use USO all you want but as soon as you touch Themes its's over for you.
I made sure to test this out extensively, I started a new game and disabled every other mod with the exception of a fast start mod (SKK Fast Start New Game made by SKKmods, which I did not have on my previous save file) and as soon as I made it to Sanctuary I opened up the Workshop and the same thing occurred, so with that I think that's pretty conclusive evidence that it's caused by the Next Gen update as thats the only change to my game that's occurred since the last time i've used USO.
Some other things i've experienced with the Next Gen update: The Arcade CC content seems to be a little screwy now, you can still play and place arcade cabinets but they no longer play their idle animations when not in use (where you see animations on the screen, high scores, etc.) which bums me out tbh.
As well I encountered a glitch where the moon would become a large yellow square, and all of the water would reflect extremely strongly and be an intense yellow. Fortunately this was solved by simply turning my Xbox off and on again (only mentioning it incase other ppl encounter the same issue.)
I'll post my Load Order as well just so people can check it out and let me know if there may be any conflicts/dead mods I should be aware of considering USO or the Next Gen update, i'd have to assume people are already in the works documenting which mods appear to of been affected by Next Gen.
Hopefully ANDREWCX is still active and is willing to make a patch for the mod, since I know a major concern amongst the community is the fact that many Fallout 4 mod authors have long since lost interest and stopped supporting their mods.
- Mod Space displayed is broken, seems like that's the case for everyone rn.
- Mutant Menageries' thumbnail is wrong, thats also been happening a lot.
- I think the UFO4 Patch has been removed from the thumbnail & title are missing and I could not find it on the console mod-look up nor Bethesda's actual website. I still have it downloaded so I dont think it has an impact on USO's problem but be sure to keep that in mind and not delete UFO4P in the near future.
Installed Creation Club Content:
- Vault Suit Customization
- Sentinel Control System Companion
- Rottweiler
- Graphic T-Shirt Pack
- Arcade Workshop Pack
Load Order:
- Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
- Mutant Menagerie - Life Finds a Way
- Integrated Commonwealth
- Trouble Brewin' Complete Quest
- Cages Overhauled & More
- Settlement Electricity Overhaul
- USO Base Game (core component of Unlocked Settlement Objects)
- USO Season Pass (Add-On for unlocked settlement objects)
- Functional Displays - DLC
- Minutemen Morale Pack
- OCDecorator - Static Loot Mod
- OCDecorator - DLC
- Better Graphics and Weather - DLC
- M's Abominations
- Settlement Border Expansion Project
- STS - All in One
- Place Anywhere
- Settler Sandbox and AI Expansion
- No Build Limit - All DLC
- USO Performance Boost Patch (Optional Patch for Unlocked Settlement Objects)
- Busy Settlers
- Busy Settler Rugs
- Kingsport Lighthouse Lights-out Prevention
- Tinda De Luca Voiced as a Settler with AI (Dependency re-revisited)
- (Official) Caliente's Beautiful Body Enhancer - All in One
- Classy Chassis Replacer Outfits CBBE
- AssaultronNukaSpaceSuitArmor
- Robot Hat
- Improved Automatron Robots
- Moddable Robot Settlers
- More Robot Voices for Automatron
- Unique Uniques
- Tales from the Commonwealth
- Tales from the Commonwealth DLC
- The Wild Wasteland
- Plenty 'o' Exploration
- Anti-Preston Hatred Nuka World
- Keep X6-88
- Unlimited Resources Shipment