I struggle finding F/M fics with good female lead (also, recs needed)

First of all, I just want to say that this is just my opinion, and obviously everyone can write and read whatever they want. That's the beauty of art honestly! But maybe someone can relate to this.

I don't know if I'm weird for this, but I am very rarely satisfied with female leads in stories about heterosexual romance (tbh, in stories in general too). So many times, I feel like the man is purposely made superior to the girl, which is weird considering it's a story written (most likely) by a woman for women. If you're imagining yourself as the MC, wouldn't you want her to be cool?

The man is a prince, or a superhero, or a millionaire; the woman is a simple girl with no special qualities (except of course being obnoxiously kind and beautiful despite not realizing that). The man smirks and flirts confidently; she blushes and stutters. The man calmly says elaborate insults; she yells, spits, and says some form of "no, you are!!". He studied for years to be a master of his field; she is a prophesied hero with special powers that she uses with just the power of her will only in the most dangerous moments, and then can never use them again (and usually loses them by the end of the story).

These complaints definitely relate to books more; I feel like fanfiction is somewhat better, but still, I often find it disappointing. Give me equal partners! Give both of them some interesting qualities! I want them both smitten and blushing and stuttering! I want both of them losing control when they're together! There's so much potential for amazing love stories, but so often they just end up going the same stereotypical direction of "man strong, woman weak".

The male lead is also often disappointing. He may be cool, and smart, and rich, and always in control, but he is also SO boring. I don't want a perfect robot! Give me character! Give me insecurities! Give me emotions!

After writing all of this, I feel like maybe the title should be "I'm disappointed with F/M romance in general", and not female lead specifically. But I think bad female characters are kind of a sore spot for me.

I know I'm not the only one in this, since I've seen people say that part of the reason why they like same-sex pairings is because they feel a lot more equal. And even if there are some inequalities, they don't feel as noticeable because we don't have the same stereotypes about them.

Also, I just want to say that I don't need both people in the couple to have the same strengths; I just mean that they should both have them. Also, if one of the people is hopelessly in love and sees the other as the most talented perfect being, even if they are relatively normal, I'd still love that. That's my jam honestly.

Anyway, rant over. I actually just wanted to ask for recommendations but ended up writing an essay. I'm sorry about that. So, does anyone have any good F/M fics? I just need the girl to have character, and the boy to not be a cool, cold machine. Non-romance fics with good female MC also work! I just need more women in stories! They're so amazing, they deserve to be as fleshed out as men.