What do y’all do in this situation?
What do you do when you like every aspect of a book except one specific thing.
Should I just drop the book? Power through?
Like I just need to rant for a bit
I’ll try to keep spoilers at a minimum.
I’m reading Oathbringer right now. The scale is epic. The prose is serviceable though not the best. But that is completely fine with me. The character work is excellent. And the story is really good
But the dialogue is just unbearable.
The themes Sanderson grapples with and the imagery depicted in the book can be for an older audience.
But the dialogue seems to be written for 5 year olds.
Like no joke, there is a conversation that goes on for a page and a half about how feminine a character’s knock on the door was. And then another character says that original character knocked on the door in a feminine way to enter a women’s room unnoticed. Like wtf. Who talks like that?
Or in another scene, the author writes that one character can move so still that you could place a book on her head and it wouldn’t topple over. Ok. fine. But in the next line, the author writes that another character on the other hand would happily grab that book and knock someone unconscious with it.
And it’s just like…why? Like what human being talks like this? Has the author ever spoken to someone before?
I really am enjoying the book but the dialogue is so grating that I can only read a few pages at a time before stopping. Like I want to read but I also don’t. What do I do?