Fell in love with a scent but my partner doesn’t like it
So, here’s the sitch. Recently ordered a couple samples from sorce, one of them was String of Lights and like so many before me, it was love at first sniff. I thought it was so beautiful and romantic, my partner however, disagrees. Now, I’m the kind of girl who will still wear frags my partner doesn’t love, but he actively dislikes it. This fragrance to me is perfect for cozy cuddly days in, and I love when my partner loves my frag because he’ll be all up in my personal space about it, which is what I wanted from this scent because it makes me want to bury my face in my own neck. I wanted to buy a bigger size but now I’m second guessing. I’m going to finish the sample but now I don’t know when I’d wear it if my partner doesn’t like it. What should I do? Should I just say fuck it, I love it who cares? When else could I wear this scent? Please help!
EDIT: Thank you for the feedback everyone! I just wanted to say that I probably won’t be “training” his nose because that seems like a lot of effort to go through. Also, it feels kinda wrong in a way? In theory it sounds good if you frame it as “expanding his tastes”, considering there’s quite a few things he doesn’t like. But I think he should be allowed to have his own taste without me imposing and trying to change his mind. Probably a discussion better had in a separate post though. Regardless, my partner and I work opposite shifts so we spend a lot of time away from each other during the week and I’ll probably wear it then. Also he doesn’t really care about fragrances so I don’t think he’d be able to tell me what exactly he doesn’t like about it (he owns one cologne and I bought it lol) I will probably still buy the bigger size (6ml rollerball) but I won’t be wearing it around him. Still a little sad that he doesn’t like it but happy that I’ve decided it isn’t the end of the world lol