Do you layer your perfume?

I personally find it almost impossible to wear just one perfume at a time and have experimented with many combos, some containing 4-6 different perfumes sometimes. It really just depends on my mood and while i had some disasters at the start, i’ve masted my notes and what works well together. The question is why don't I ever see more discussions about layering in this way? Not just lotion + perfume + body mist, but layering multiple perfumes. And if you do layer this way, what are some of your favorite combos? side question: is it better to wear just one? i find that no single perfume is truly “complete” so i like to use them to enhance one another because they always feel like they’re missing something. do my combos smell good to me but terrible to everyone else? i get compliments sometimes so i assume i’m doing something right but i was wondering if that many in a combo is too many