Filled with anger and hopelessness after debating a pro-life man

Today I debated a man in my English class regarding abortion rights and gender inequality. Just to be clear, I am a woman (my username is misleading so IRLs don't recognize me).

This all started when said man felt like he had to add his opinion when someone was giving a presentation on gender inequality. He first started off with saying that the gender pay gap doesn't exist. Then we got into it and he announced that there is no patriarchy in our country (Germany). I listed aspects of said patriarchy (forced marriage, SA, societal expectations and many more). Lastly I mentioned how women have limited bodily autonomy in Germany. We switched to the topic of abortion rights. He said he was pro-life and I died a little. His main arguments were "Rape is an exception" and "Every child has a right to life" completely ignoring biological facts and my argument "Why would a woman have to be violated in order to make decisions about her body?".

It just went nowhere and I was getting emotional. My teacher interrupted it (but he's amazing and talked to me later asking for ideas to better guide arguments like that since he doesn't want anyone to be treated badly). I went to the bathroom and cried. I was so frustrated and now I'm left feeling hopeless. The cherry on top is him and some of his friends laughing after all this because I got a little emotional - understandably??

I tried to calm myself by reading all evening but it's still on my mind. I'm scared of everything happening right now. Every place- be it Germany, Austria, the USA and many more countries- is getting worse and worse.