My Thoughts on March
Ok, so I know plenty of people have posted their thoughts on March and I’m sure I won’t be the last, but now that I’ve played through a good chunk of the update, I have thoughts concerning this character and I want to get it off my chest just to see if I’m alone on any of this.
So between the moment you share with him at the Shooting Star Festival moment and his six heart event cutscene, I cannot stress enough how much I love March as a character. He's so complex but also not complex at all, and that's what I love about him.
As you gain more hearts with him, he does become slightly nicer to you (emphasis on slightly) like most characters with this trope tend to do. However, the difference I’ve noticed with March is he still tries so hard to act like he doesn’t like you but fails miserably, which is sometimes noticeable when he stammers with his words, blushes, or looks away bashfully, and honestly, I think it’s so adorable and can’t help but smile and laugh sometimes at his attempts to be this “tough guy” when deep down I’m certain it’s just a ruse.
I will also give props to the writers because while March is stubborn and doesn’t want to open up to you, you slowly learn more about him and Olric’s background by speaking to some of the townsfolk, like Josephine for example.
It’s funny really because in real life, I would never tolerate a guy I just met being mean or rude to me, especially for no reason, but in video games, I sometimes find myself falling for the “mean” or “broody” types because they’re usually the most interesting once you learn the why behind their attitude, and March is no different in my eyes.
I’m not gonna lie, though—his dialogue at the Shooting Star Festival had me raising an eyebrow a bit because if you choose to be direct with why you invited him, he’s basically shocked before swiftly dismissing your claim and in that moment I thought to myself, does he really find it so hard to believe that there’s someone out there who may actually like him in that way? It’s like he doubts himself for some reason, and I’m even more curious now why that may be.
sigh I don’t know, maybe I’m just thinking too hard, but I can’t wait to see what else the developers have up their sleeve for the rest of his heart events because I will be front and center for all of it. 😌