I would be okay with SNK delaying the CotW release.
I really REALLY like the gameplay of CotW so far, and I want it to succeed. However there are a few things that I think needs to be adressed. Considering how important first impressions and the launch is to a fighting game, I would rather have them delay the game a bit, and gives some more betas, than releasing the game with the current issues. What do you guys think?
Also remember to send your feedback to the devs! https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/fatalfury-cotw/img/main/obt.pdf
The things I think they should fix so far are these, ordered in highest priority to lowest:
- Match making MUST get fixed.
- Certain UI elements are bad. The biggest one being the usage of a virtual cursor. The yellow/black screens are also not nice. Casual players will really dislike this.
- Ranks should not be locked to account in 2025, but character specific.
- Implement elo ranking at higher ranks (similar SF6 master rank). Also please use some flashier names for the ranks.
- Let us see if opponent is on ethernet on wifi! This is super important. You dont need to create a filter, but let us see a wifi or ethernet icon.
- Black screen / Load times between going from one menu to the next is far too long. Things that should take 1-2 seconds, takes 7-8 seconds.
- Netcode could be slightly improved as well.
- Let keyboard players use spacebar as a jump button. We can't bind it at the moment.
- Let players choose more things to rebind. Like feints. Also let us bind things like menu, going back/forth in menus, instead of hardcoding it.
- Currently Rev Blow seems too strong. Either let us counter it a little easier, or make it cost more meter.