Where could I cut? Please review and advise !

33M, single, trying to make it in NyC.

  • Monthly take home salary after taxes: $8k per month.

Expenses per month

*Rent (studio, stay by myself): $2.8k

*Laundry: $50

*WiFi/Phone: $70

*Electricity: $70

*Groceries: $500

*Gym membership: $200

*Personal training(2x a week): $1k

*Supplements: $200

*MTA transit: $150

*Chiropractic adjustment(1x a week, $65 co-pay per session): $250

*Massages: $300

*Miscellaneous: $250

Total expense per month: $6k

Hardly I'm able to save 2k per month.

Wanted to save more, please recommend where I can cut it !

And I have not opted for 401k due to my current expenses above. Just the health insurance from my employer.