Honest Thoughts Hours: What are your feelings on…Nótt?

PATRON GODDESS OF ROMANCE NOVELS (and pasta). Also murdered by Vyland of the Coyote’s Men. Despite not having the same focus as Dagr, and having some issues, I cannótt deny my adoration for her!

Nótt is a character I enjoy for being an interesting breakdown on the “traditionalist” by actively being quite foolish to the point where her love for an otter almost endangers her kingdom. She comes across as very calm and reasonable at first, whereas Dagr is introduced as more of a “fight first, talk later” sort of gal. Nótt carries herself with elegance and regality. Yet it cannot hide that Nótt is considerably naive and foolish, willing to risk it all for a man who showers once a month. I actually love just how obvious of a simp she is. Like, no hold barred, she’s down BAD for this bad boy. And despite that foolishness, she’s still incredibly competent. She actually manages to capture both Kiran and Gramr to win her love over. You go girl! And honestly, it’s kinda sad to think about her past, where Jotunheimr is obsessed with strength, and even their own mother abides by it by forcing her and Dagr to fight for the throne. It does imply there’s a coldness in the family, and I like to think Nótt and her love obsession is borne out being exposed to such a stoic and warlike environment. She wants to be loved😢 But at least she has Dagr, as she finally realizes her errors after being defeated. And I really appreciate that Nótt actually regrets her romance influenced alliance with Ótr and even makes the heroes dinner to help make up for it. I just have issues with her not being developed enough in the story, yet also making the story too complicated by existing (which she shares with Dagr and Jotunheimr as a whole). Her death is also incredibly dumb and forced. It really just exists to give Dagr a reason to be the next queen without complications. It’s also supposed to serve as cheap “character development” for Dagr instead of, you know, gradually fleshing her out throughout the story. Nótt’s death is one of the most infuriating ones in the game alongside Bruno’s.

Nótt’s design is great because it highlights her strength but also her personality. In hindsight, perhaps I was a bit too harsh about Dagr’s outfit, though I still think the short shorts are dumb. Nótt is a character who is very graceful and a hopeless romantic. Her dress is sort of like an armored up halter dress baring her legs and exposing her ample bosom. It really aligns to how she acts and presents herself in the story, yet is also clearly evocative of her origins. I really adore light green as a color, so naturally I love her hair color, but I really think her messy braid is just so beautiful, and again reminds me of a romance novel protagonist living in the countryside. Only complaint I really have is the boring color scheme. White and black. Oh and grey I guess. Same deal with Dagr. Mixed on the whole bird thing.

Nótt shall receive a 9. She truly deserved better than to be a cheap plot device. I love how she wasn’t a predictable archetype, by being a calm and rational person yet juxtaposed by foolishness and a desire for love that ends up ruining everything. I found her more interesting that Dagr to be honest, though I like Dagr still! Nótt’s design is gorgeous and appropriate to how she acts, but I do wish the color scheme was more interesting. Especially when we have so many realms with a white outfit theme (Askr, Yggdrasil, Asgardr). She really needs some more color!

What are your thoughts on Nótt? Love her, hate her, neutral? Share what you really feel!

PATRON GODDESS OF ROMANCE NOVELS (and pasta). Also murdered by Vyland of the Coyote’s Men. Despite not having the same focus as Dagr, and having some issues, I cannótt deny my adoration for her!

Nótt is a character I enjoy for being an interesting breakdown on the “traditionalist” by actively being quite foolish to the point where her love for an otter almost endangers her kingdom. She comes across as very calm and reasonable at first, whereas Dagr is introduced as more of a “fight first, talk later” sort of gal. Nótt carries herself with elegance and regality. Yet it cannot hide that Nótt is considerably naive and foolish, willing to risk it all for a man who showers once a month. I actually love just how obvious of a simp she is. Like, no hold barred, she’s down BAD for this bad boy. And despite that foolishness, she’s still incredibly competent. She actually manages to capture both Kiran and Gramr to win her love over. You go girl! And honestly, it’s kinda sad to think about her past, where Jotunheimr is obsessed with strength, and even their own mother abides by it by forcing her and Dagr to fight for the throne. It does imply there’s a coldness in the family, and I like to think Nótt and her love obsession is borne out being exposed to such a stoic and warlike environment. She wants to be loved😢 But at least she has Dagr, as she finally realizes her errors after being defeated. And I really appreciate that Nótt actually regrets her romance influenced alliance with Ótr and even makes the heroes dinner to help make up for it. I just have issues with her not being developed enough in the story, yet also making the story too complicated by existing (which she shares with Dagr and Jotunheimr as a whole). Her death is also incredibly dumb and forced. It really just exists to give Dagr a reason to be the next queen without complications. It’s also supposed to serve as cheap “character development” for Dagr instead of, you know, gradually fleshing her out throughout the story. Nótt’s death is one of the most infuriating ones in the game alongside Bruno’s.

Nótt’s design is great because it highlights her strength but also her personality. In hindsight, perhaps I was a bit too harsh about Dagr’s outfit, though I still think the short shorts are dumb. Nótt is a character who is very graceful and a hopeless romantic. Her dress is sort of like an armored up halter dress baring her legs and exposing her ample bosom. It really aligns to how she acts and presents herself in the story, yet is also clearly evocative of her origins. I really adore light green as a color, so naturally I love her hair color, but I really think her messy braid is just so beautiful, and again reminds me of a romance novel protagonist living in the countryside. Only complaint I really have is the boring color scheme. White and black. Oh and grey I guess. Same deal with Dagr. Mixed on the whole bird thing.

Nótt shall receive a 9. She truly deserved better than to be a cheap plot device. I love how she wasn’t a predictable archetype, by being a calm and rational person yet juxtaposed by foolishness and a desire for love that ends up ruining everything. I found her more interesting that Dagr to be honest, though I like Dagr still! Nótt’s design is gorgeous and appropriate to how she acts, but I do wish the color scheme was more interesting. Especially when we have so many realms with a white outfit theme (Askr, Yggdrasil, Asgardr). She really needs some more color!

What are your thoughts on Nótt? Love her, hate her, neutral? Share what you really feel!