Can somebody tell me if some points about Edelgard and the Black Eagles are true or not?
I have heard many things about Edelgard and the Black Eagles and I don't know if they and true facts or just things stated by Edelgard Haters
-"Edelgard kills Bernie in Grounder Fields"This one seems to be quite divisive some says it's a bug,and some say that she actually do kill her
-"Black Eagles getting recruited is always canon because it's dosen't make sense for any of them to help in a war and do atrocities and In CF they are all OOC"This one I'm sure it's just haters being haters
-"Edelgard is responsible for Lindhart's death by nuking Fort Merceus" When I played the game I taught that TWSITD act on their own and not directly work for the Empire But I have seen quite some people say it,Also do you think she will pull something like that if she has known about A former friend being there?
-"Edelgard got Petra Brainwashed into her own personal assasin" Well she does act pretty wierd in Non-BE routes so I don't know
-"Edelgard used Dorothea and many innocents as a Human shield and sacrifices"This one I'm sure is just haters being haters
-"Edelgard is a hyppocrite for creating Beasts and helping TWSTID while being an experiment herself and her being close to Lysithea if recruited are attempts at Manipulation" this one I'm not sure if it's true or not we don't have details about that alliance
-"Edelgard knew about Remire Village experiments" this one I'm sure it's just hating
-"The Church was right in executing Caspar's father because he was a vile Warmonger and by not recruiting Caspar you are a monster for letting him with a monster" we know he was one of the Nobles that Wanted the War but was he really that vile that he got executed without even a trial?
-"Edelgard put a hit on Jeralt and indirectly killed him" This one I always believed it's was just said by haters but I've heard it so much that I've started to doubt
-"Edelgard want Genocide!"This one is just haters why dosen't she try to attack Seteth once he is spared then?Also she did Let Flayne leave beford the attack in the Monastery in CF while she could have used the confusion as an occasion to eliminate her,also she dosen't try to kill any of the remaining dragons and she says that she prefer Rhea alive(And dosen't kill her while she is literally her prisoner)
-"Edelgard get Lynched in All non-CF routes post Mortem"There is a dialogue that says Dedue lynch her body before he left in Silver Snow in Verdant wind,Also do you think VW/SS Byleth and AM Dimitri would let her get Lynched and won't try to give her a burial?She may have been their enemy but that just so cruel
So which ones of these are true facts and which one are just bad takes by haters?