I can't find polarized sunglasses worth buying

UPDATE: went to the optometrist today and it's my contacts! The specific ones I buy are anti-glare and didn't know it. So that's why I wants seeing a difference because my contacts were already removing most of the sun's reflections. I'm really hoping this helps out others that have had issues with this same thing. I have a few brands to check out so thanks to all out that provided me some cheaper yet good quality brands!

I have been searching for YEARS for a pair of sunglasses to use while fishing without any success. My biggest issue is I don't see a difference in how well I can see in the water if I'm wearing a pair or not. I have a number of friends and family members that have Oakley and Costa and let me borrow them for the day and I don't notice a difference even with them. In fact, most of the time I'm the one pointing out a bass, musky, trout, etc swimming by before anyone else. I have been to Cabelas, Scheels, Bass Pro, Dicks and numerous other stores and no one seems to really help. Everyone seems to push Costas on me because "they are just so much better than the others" but I can't justify paying $300 a pair just to block out the sun.

Do people really see that much better in the water with polarized sunglasses or is it over hyped? Does anyone else have the same issue as me and if they found a set that works what was it? I live in Iowa so I only fish freshwater. Thanks!

Edit: the amount of time I've spent looking for sunglasses is somewhere between 15-20 years. I've been fishing for even longer. Quality wise I know I'll get what I pay for. I'm not looking to get a dramatic increase in water clarity if that's the right word but I'm looking for just something other than a tint.