are unreasonable buyers killin selling online (nightmare return story, out big money)
sold a blender on ebay first sale in a long time kind of laid low on my account 4 a while because i had a shopping addiction where i got obsessed with dragon balls (z) statues during the pandemic and now my place looks like a 14 yr olds bedroom in 1999
i have a blender i don't use pretty clean whatever not like new but my digital camera is broke so I found a different image and used it. Listed it. sold quickly. Dopamine rush from that chaching on my phone made me feel like a winner. I wish I still talked to my dad so I could effectively brag 2 him about how I turned a used blender into cold hard cash and he couldn't even run a Quiznos franchise without tearin our family apart.
I shit u not the buuers name was kindwoman when a bunch of numbers and a few character. I won't get their exact name because I don't want u guys harassing them telling them they r wrong.
She pays no problem. Good stuff. I see eBay tell me i won't get the cash for like 6 months which is a problem because I need to buy stamps or somethin to send it (don't have an inkjet 2 use eBay labels).
I look at the address n realise they r in my city. My city is like a voltron type thing where it uses to be like 5 different cities and then they decided to combine 2 one. But you sometimes get ogs who use the old name like Vanier instead of Ottawa.
So I get the blender ready hit up the city bus and after spending $4 on a transfer (would hop but fare inspectors don't play around these days) I get 2 her street. The problem is that by the time I get there it's pitch black and I can't find her place. So I went to the first few houses and rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. Then I figured I sometimes get packages not 4 me and people bring them over and since it has her address label on it I just dropped it anywhere and took a pick like the blood economy gig labour workers so when they deliver my Amazon stuff. Wasn't trying to steal from her I legit knew it was a good person because their house has Obama 08 vibes to it and usually if I get a package to my house I bring it to someone else even know my house is an apartment with bush 2000 vibes.
Mission accomplished. I head home. Dont check eBay for a few days. Delete it off my phone for my own sanity.
Then I check my Hotmail and she has ripped off like five messages. For the first few days she asks if their is tracking. Etc.
I reply n send her the photo of the house and say Canada Post (white lie) sent me that photo. Is that her place.
She gets mad/confused and says that she knows that house but calls me out on it not bein Canada Post when she paid $65 for regular parcel within our city.
She goes to get it and then I see that in being summoned to some sort of eBay court of law because she is 2 lazy to wash it. She said it looked like someone made a protein shake in it and didn't wash it hit the one in the photos qas like new. I told another white lie and said I made that just before delivering it to test out for good customer service..
So now Gupar from eBay tells me I have to give a label and she thinks this is some art of the deal shit she refuses to work with me. I asked her if she could just leave it on fbe porch of the house I delivered it to and I would pick it up but she would also have to etranser me $8 because it cost me $4 to bus there the first time and second time would cost the same. apparently "two streets over" is 2 far for her to leave it 4 me and she won't pay my busfare wtf does she want me to hop the bus and end up in oc transpo court again? Not only am i out $25 plus shipping she wants me to risk a $200 fine because she won't etransfe me bus fare?
Mostly just venting but when did eBay buyers become so picky and hard 2 deal with I remember back in the day if u did not want a raditz statue it was easy money to list and send it. Buyers like kindwoman are killing the platform 4 us hard working sellers.