Why are there no aftermarket headlights and taillights for 2013 focus st

Hey guys new to the st world im looking at parts i want to do to my st idk what mk my focus is but why tf are there literally no aftermarket headlights in Australia and just around the world in general. is there a reason for it or is it just the case of unlucky bud and what would be my options for that then. Also if you ask what version st it is like st 2 or st 3 we do t have that in aus it might just be st3 cause it has the recaros

Hey guys new to the st world im looking at parts i want to do to my st idk what mk my focus is but why tf are there literally no aftermarket headlights in Australia and just around the world in general. is there a reason for it or is it just the case of unlucky bud and what would be my options for that then. Also if you ask what version st it is like st 2 or st 3 we do t have that in aus it might just be st3 cause it has the recaros