
so i had a terrible folliculitis break out on my butt about 3ish months ago now and after 6 weeks i finally caved in and went to the drs as home remedies weren’t really doing too much (tried soo many things from tcp and hibiscrub to 70% alcohol). i had been looking into what it could be as i was terrified i might have hs and from being silly and looking into google images of that i was so scared lol. however the drs did agree it’s most likely folliculitis and prescribed me with antibiotics which has seemed to clear it up. however, while it’s killed the active folliculitis on my butt, i now have the dark marks left behind! when i touch with my hand i can’t feel any bumps and my skin just feels normal and smooth so there’s no active folliculitis there which i’m happy about (still have the odd active one but they don’t last long now thankfully and i use a 5% bp gel on any active bumps now and they die very quick) but the hyperpigmentation is so annoying!! does anyone have any good products to help the hyperpigmentation that i can get otc? or do you guys recommend asking my drs for some prescription cream or something to help it out? i have been using glycolic acid and just putting some on a cotton pad and rubbing all over the area twice a week after my shower so hopefully that will eventually help but any other recommendations? also does anyone have any idea how long it will take for them to fade? google says anywhere from months to years and i sure hope it’s not years 😭