Which Islands Restaurant is the Most Islands-y?

Which location of Islands Fine Burgers & Drinks in the Greater Los Angeles area gives off the strongest “Islands Restaurant” vibes? Think in terms of the most hanging lacquered surfboards, kitschy wooden birds, preserved (but diminishing) strangely-dark-inside 90s charm, tolerably bustling clientele, etc etc.

My fiancée – who is not a Southern California native – has never been to an Islands before and I want to introduce her to it. Over the last 30+ years I’ve had a pendulum-swinging love/hate relationship with Islands (“first favorite restaurant” -> “tasteless corporate trash” -> “let’s eat there ironically” -> “let’s eat there unironically” -> ???) so it’s important she understands this part of my cultural identity. I fully recognize this is not quality destination dining, but that’s entirely the point – I love Islands for its liberating mediocrity and want to provide the quintessential experience.

From the small handful I’ve been to, my loosely held ranking of Islandsiest Islands is: Manhattan Beach > Burbank > Sherman Oaks > Westchester/Howard Hughes > Glendale. Thoughts from any other Island hoppers?

UPDATE (3/20 AM): After two days online, here are the rankings by rough tally:*

*counts based exclusively on mentions/agreements for a location as the 1st or 2nd Islandiest Islands or specific callout for a noticeably Islandsy vibe; general comments on patronage were appreciated but politely excluded

Location Count
Manhattan Beach 5
Burbank 5
Glendale 3
Marina del Rey (RIP) 3
Torrance 3
Howard Hughes/Westchester 2

Single mentions: Agoura Hills (RIP), Fountain Valley, Malibu (RIP), Pasadena, Porter Ranch, Redondo Beach, Seal Beach, Sherman Oaks