Fortnite constantly crashing
I have been experiencing constant crashes to the point that I cant even play anymore. When I join a game, it says connecting and before i even join the game the screen freezes and shows a picture of the past for example when I first loaded into the lobby, the settings page, or the itemshop etc. Sometimes I manage to load into the pregame lobby but I crash before i even get into the battle bus. If i'm lucky I get into the game as usual, but if I die, I crash when I ready up and join another game. If I survive, I will still crash before i even get to finish the game. I haven't played fortnite for quite some time, and I have been experiencing crashes before but not even close to that often. I have searched online to find solutions and I have tried verifying, running the epic games launcher as administrator and i even reset my pc and reinstalled fortnite but nothing have worked. If anyone knows how to fix this please help me:(