I failed my foster dog
I have put my foster dog in boarding care until Friday because I am so ashamed in how badly I have failed in trying to help a hard situation. I was only supposed to hang onto this dog until she grew but now she is 85 pounds and the rescue has not yet come for her. I just got out from a night in the hospital due to my health issues and this morning I found the dog tore through 3 boxes of thin mints she got a hold of. She is fine health wise but she had explosive diarrhea all over my living room carpet. I tried to put her outside but she doesn’t like to be outside and howled/ slammed herself against my fences so much my neighbors came by to see if everything was ok since they heard all this going on meer hours after seeing me hauled away in an ambulance. The dog has bit my sister and brother who came to visit a few days ago and has ripped apart my couches and any loos items I dare to leave out like tv remotes. I pleaded with the rescue to please find another foster for her months ago and they asked to give them some time. Today I begged again and I crashed out hearing my rescue tell me that this is really last minute and they had no idea I was not able to keep going with her. This dog is unadoptable and it is all my fault. I raised a dog that can’t be outside, that bites, that rips up furniture, that breaks into boxes of cookies. I just wanted to save a dog from the shelter. Now I am stuck with a dog for the rest of its life to slowly tear apart my home. I paid $200 for boarding to give myself sanity for at least a few days before I have to go back to the reality that is my crappy life decisions on trying to help a dog out.