I've seen a lot of people wondering about cameos in season 2. It's cool to speculate, but please remember how much time has passed since FNV

The Courier leaves Doc Mitchell's in October, 2281, and it's reasonable to assume that the second battle of Hoover Dam takes place in 2282. The TV show takes place in 2296, so that makes it a 14–15 year gap between the game and show.

I've seen some good speculation like, for example, Boone. He was 26 years old in FNV, so he'd be around 40 or so if he's still alive. In most endings where he lives (NCR + encourage Boone to move on, Legion + encourage him to move on; either outcome in Independent or House), he remains in the Mojave. He either rejoins 1st Recon (if he's moved on in NCR), gets a huge bounty on his head from the Legion (if he moves on in Legion), becomes a caravan guard (if he's moved on in House or Independent), or becomes a vicious merc/assassin (if he's encouraged to be more ruthless in House or Independent). I've seen people wonder if we'll see Boone sniping at the Novac dino, but again, 14 to 15 years is a long time.

Veronica is another good take that I've seen. Her endings are mostly bittersweet, and she'd be in her forties as well by the time of the TV show (assuming she's alive). And as for Cass, she'd be around 51 or so these days (she's listed as being 37 in NV).

Thing is, I wouldn't expect too many cameos or too much of the spotlight to be placed on them. I don't think the showrunners will go "Hey! Remember this character from New Vegas?" and be all member-berries. It could end up feeling very cheesy and way too fanservicey, especially given the 14 years that have passed.

And of course, there's the Courier; the biggest and trickiest one that would have the most baggage on canon (next to Mr House himself, I suppose). Best thing would be to write them out of the plot somehow. An ambiguous mention could work, but then again, it also depends on how the showrunners handle the ending. There's no need to canonise an appearance or gender for the Courier here, especially since the show has its own main characters. And besides, the Old World Blues DLC gives the perfect excuse to have the Courier gone (watching over Big MT).

(I've also seen speculation about cameos like Oliver Swanick the lottery guy, but come on. That would be very silly even by Fallout standards. The guy runs straight to a radscorpion nest in FNV anyway.)

If the showrunners do bring in cameos, I hope they don't make it too cheesy. By that I mean seeing a caravan that just happens to include Cass (or we see her in a bar), and then in another episode, a sniper or caravan guard that just happens to be Boone, and then we see a Followers camp that just happens to include Arcade, etc. There's a fine line between a cool cameo and overdoing it.