My best friend is rude to me

So my best friend is not sensitive at all and I'm sensitive. Also she is very insensitive. I have been going through some things recently and I have told her that but she uses it against me. She calls me childish and says I act like a child and acts like she is better than me. Which I'm 24 I'm not a child or childish?? She accuses me of making excuses- when I'm not. Last night we had a disagreement, she said she feels like she's walking on eggshells with me basically because I'm so sensitive. I started crying the other night and she told me today it was dumb that I cried. I apologized and tried to be the bigger person, to try and keep our friendship and she said I was making excuses, and then when I confronted her that I didn't like the way she was talking to me, she said: here u go again being a crybaby which I replied: I'm mad there's a difference. Then she called me annoying and childlike and I just said I was telling her how I feel and that I'm not either of those things. She called me sensitive again and I said we both have our things we need to work on. Then she accused me of just texting her to start an argument. She's being really nasty to me and rude. I need advice, if you were in my situation would you cut her off or try and fix things?