You can have a little hoarding, as a treat
My mom isn't a hoarder, but she is one of those people who saves everything because it might be useful someday. Rubber bands, glass jars, lightly used aluminum foil and... of course, the big one: Plastic bags.
I mean, keeping these just makes sense. They come in handy, and throwing them away is wasteful.
So my mom, like most moms, had a bag of bags. So far, so good.
But then, what happens when that bag is full? You stuff it into another bag, and then you have a bag of bag of bags. And maybe you stick that bag of bags of bags into the garage or closet, and start a new one, and then you've got multiple bags of bags of bags floating around...
For me, I'm trying to keep my mom's frugal principles, but hone and adapt them. So my rule for myself is: I can have ONE bag of bags, and there can be no bags inside the bags that are in the bag. Just ONE bag, with loose bags inside of it.
In this way I'm still keeping true to the "save everything" mentality, but ensuring that my house is not overtaken by bags and bags.
And plus, you can fit a lot of plastic bags into one bag if you really stuff in there.