Throat feels like closing?

Hi, I'm new here so sorry for being a little chaotic, I'm super anxious about it. I have had GERD symptoms for a while now but for 1-2 weeks it's been horrible. I was sick with a virus, didn't eat much anything then, and after I recovered and started eating normally again, everything went worse. Random bad taste in mouth, food travelling back to my throat, cough, burning throat, but the worst has to be the episodes of feeling of throat closing accompanied with burps that feel like coming from throat. It usually starts after bending over for example to tie my shoes or shave the legs, or also if I sit/lie in a position that "squeezes" my stomach. The muscles around throat feel tight and the inside feels like there's constantly some kind of lump stuck there. It is so bad that I developed a severe anxiety over anaphylaxis even though I have no history of allergies. Right now I'm not even sure if that symptom is that bad because the anxiety makes it worse. I have no idea if that's a symptom of GERD or if I'm really in a state of anaphylaxis every day, but I have no breathing problems or wheezing though. Is that one of the symptoms of this illness? If so, which foods, drinks to avoid? (I'll have it checked professionally as soon as I get insurance)