Missing my close friend - we used to nerd out on Gali.
TW suicide
I met one of my best friends in r/ galimatias —we never met in person but we met online through our mutual love of Galimatias. We shared such a love of his music and I’ve never met someone who is such a huge fan besides myself.
So tragic… a year ish ago I lost him due to suicide. Our last texts were about Galimatias music. Then my blue texts to him went to green and I didn’t hear from him for a few days. I then get a text from a man saying it’s his dad and that my friend was missing — was supposed to be driving cross country to meet his sister at a concert in Chicago. He drove somewhere remote and beautiful and just couldn’t take the pain of life anymore.
Most joyful man I’ve encountered but who knew??? So sad. Please check on your friends.
I really miss nerding out about Gali. If you want to nerd out with me my DM’s are open. Thanks friends and stay safe. Here to talk I’d you need a friend.