Nobody who wish-list my game bought it

I recently released a game on steam and it has done very poorly. It had about 150 wishlist's at the time of release and has sold 7 copies (all friends and family).

0 people (accept the above mentioned friends and family) who wish-list the game have bought it.

It's very cheap and on release sale.

I was never doing this for the money but I've made $10 - so once you remove the steam app fee I'm actually down $90 after about 300 hours of legitimate hard and at times stressful work. Both developing and advertising.

I'd be okay with that if I got the joy of knowing I made something that people enjoy, but nobody is even playing the game.

The game is simple, both in art and game-play, deliberately so - but it isn't bad, it's a fun little 2 hour puzzle.

I was originally making this post to ask if a 0% conversion rate on wishlist's was normal but now I just think i needed the catharsis of admitting that I wasted 300 hours on this.