Leaving finally 🙏

Put my two weeks in last week and my last day scheduled is tomorrow, I transfer between two stores (college) and it landed perfectly in-between transfers so I wouldn't mess anyone up. The customer base this past month has just been abysmal, and it's just not worth the pay. Had a game thrown at me because of the new return policy, been yelled at countless times over the concept of not being able to return new things that are opened. Had to call non emergency police to escort someone out of the store because of the new warranty policy (twice by the way, the second time the customer actually came back later and apologized when corporate confirmed that is the new policy). Customers getting angry that display cases do not mean they're in stock or even released yet (despite them SAYING DISPLAY CASE) And I was robbed on solo coverage!

I just can't imagine these are all normal experiences for one month, and if it is, why is anyone staying other than for a discount =(