🔴MEGA THREAD for NYC Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permits | Any posts related to NYC Concealed Carry should be posted here and only here.

🔴1.27.25 PERMIT WAS APPROVED AND ISSUED | 147 Days Start to Finish

  • Only one gun is allowed on your permit for NYC
  • The only communication with the investigator was asking me to pick one gun and send a new photo of one gun vs the two I originally applied with. I also needed to send receipt of purchase.
  • All docs uploaded to the portal were clearly labeled and organized and basically resulted in zero back and fourth with the investigator.


10.21.24 | Update


• All Applicants must be fingerprinted at 1 Police Plaza

• During my 2 hours at 1 PP, all of the NYPD officers and staff who I interacted with, were super nice and helpful. Probably 6-7 in total.

• They will e-mail you a date, you cannot pick it, and if you cannot make the day they assign, you must wait until that date passes then they scheduled you again randomly. You need to go the day they assign if not you will delay your application weeks/months, each time about 45-50 days it will get pushed out.

• When you go to 1PP expect to be there for 2-3 hours, fastest would be about 90 min start to finish.

• 1 PP is located by the Brooklyn Bridge in Lower Manhattan 1 Police Plaza Path, New York, NY 10038 https://maps.app.goo.gl/TZ61S4oFUjNW9tzX6

  • The fasted way into 1 PP from NJ is via PATH to WTC, then 4/5 Train to Brooklyn Bridge Manhattan. Park at Exchange Place JC or Hoboken

• You cannot enter the NYPD Complex until 0830, ok to show up and have coffee in the plaza, but it’s best to arrive at 0830 or later as they will make you wait outside.

• From what I could tell they process about 25-30 applicants a day for prints.

• When you arrive at 1PP, there is a Visitors Area – cannot miss it.

• They will have your name on a list at visitor security, tell them you are going to Room 110 (there is no room 110A)

• DO NOT BRING ANY KNIVES OR PROHIBITED ITEMS – you will go through metal detectors which are far more sensitive than those at the airport.

• Once you enter the 1st guard house and clear the metal detectors, there is a little kiosk where you scan your Passport or ID, it will then print you a little Barcode Tag.

• You will exit the visitor entrance building, walk straight into the NYPD Lobby where again you will be stopped by the main lobby desk and they will take your ID and the barcode tag and print you a name badge with your photo on it then direct you to Room 110 which is 1st Floor, take right behind the Reception Desk.

• When you get to room 110, you will sign in, then they will instruct you to go down the hall to pay the $88.50, they give you your application number.

• After you pay, you return back to room 110, where you wait for them to call you to take your digital prints.

• After your prints are done they send you back out to the hallway to wait for a random Licensing Division employee to come out and speak to you about your application. Before coming out the person will go in and quickly review the docs in the portal and let you know what still is missing. They are just scanning for the required docs, they are not actually reviewing them. Bring all of your documents the day of fingerprinting, have them all organized in a folder so you can easily find any docs if needed. This person is not your investigator. This quick review is more of a licensing Triage and just trying to make sure you have all your stuff in the portal within the next month as it all needs to be there when your investigator is assigned to your file.

• The officer who came out and spoke to me was very nice, but he was a little hit or miss on the process, I had to correct him on 2 or 3 things, don’t worry about it as this person is not your actual investigator.

  • Submitted Application on 8/30
  • Fingerprinted at 1 PP on 10/16
  • Move to Investigation Phase on 10/21


10.3.24 | UPDATE - Fingerprinting Appointment Received.

9.1.24 | UPDATE

  • Once the Portal shows your application as "Submitted", under the law NYPD has 6 months to approve or deny.
  • 9.1.24 | FINGERPRINTING UPDATE - A member reported being provided with a fingerprinting appointment 45 days, from the time the application was submitted. It seems that you should get your fingerprinting date about 2 weeks after your application is submitted, and expect to be at 1 PP around 45 days after submission.

8.30.24 | UPDATE

  • Finally after 12 days, NYPD Processed my ACH Payment. WHEN I SUBMITTED MY APPLICATION ON 8.18.24 I DID NOT SEE THE OPTION FOR CREDIT CARD. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION WHEN PAYING AS THEY DEFAULT TO ACH, WHEN YOU WANT CC PAYMENT WHICH IS INSTANT. So while the payment was drafted on 8/18, it took NYPD 12 days to post the payment and deem my application "submitted". Not that it has been formally submitted the 6 month clock starts for approval.

8.20.24 | UPDATE

  • Submitted Application and ACH Check for $340, still pending payment, seems it takes 2-4 days for NYPD to draft the ACH payment from your checking account. ACH or In-Person are the only two ways to pay. At time of submission you need to pay $340. There is an $88 Fingerprinting Fee at time of Prints.

8.19.24 | UPDATE:

8.18.24 UPDATE

  • Submitted Application and Payment to NYPD today, stay tuned for updates.


All -

Now with NYPD's & Mayor Adams, EMERGENCY ORDER I wanted to start building out a single Mega Thread to share info and other related NYC Licensing issues as we all work through this new confusing process. Please feel free to share any info you might have.

One the dust settles I will build out some specific FAQ's on the NYC - Non-Resident Process

New Application Instructions · Government Portal (nypdonline.org)

NYPD APPLICATION PORTAL: Home · Government Portal (nypdonline.org)

INSPECTOR HUGH BOGLE, in his official capacity as Commanding Officer of the New York Police Department, Licensing Division [Hugh.bogle@nypd.org](mailto:Hugh.bogle@nypd.org)

NYPD License Division Director Nicole Berkovich

4-a. Processing of license applications.  Applications for licenses shall be accepted for processing by the licensing officer at the time of presentment.  Except upon written notice to the applicant specifically stating the reasons for any delay, in each case the licensing officer shall act upon any application for a license pursuant to this section within six months of the date of presentment of such an application to the appropriate authority.  Such delay may only be for good cause and with respect to the applicant.  In acting upon an application, the licensing officer shall either deny the application for reasons specifically and concisely stated in writing or grant the application and issue the license applied for.


