Is it ok (Help)
I decided to hold my gargoyle gecko for daily interactions.Most of the time they are normal.Today when I held everything was fine until when I closed the door it jumped out of the blue and go its hand stuck and started screaming until I helped it remove its hand.I have been crying so much seeing my kid do this and I am really scared if I scared it that now it’s scared of me.Will it be ok and tell ‘em how can I help.
I decided to hold my gargoyle gecko for daily interactions.Most of the time they are normal.Today when I held everything was fine until when I closed the door it jumped out of the blue and go its hand stuck and started screaming until I helped it remove its hand.I have been crying so much seeing my kid do this and I am really scared if I scared it that now it’s scared of me.Will it be ok and tell ‘em how can I help.